Saturday, December 22, 2007

Diary Entry


Greenery at the Ashram

On the second day, I had written an entry in my diary. That seems to be the best way to convey the effects environment can have.

Bangalore Ashram, 4th December 2007, 2.15pm

"The life in the Ashram seems like a dream, completely out of this world! Life is at a standstill, yet there is so much flow of energy.

Life is rarely ever so peaceful! Words like stress and tension simply vanish in this environment.
The food is so simple and yet so amazingly tasty! Whenever I am at a AOL centre/event, it has a very positive effect on my apetite. It is amazing the purifying effect the environment can have!

Kids playing at the grounds

Yesterday after dinner we saw a bunch of asamese kids playing at the grounds. These kids are fully sponsored by the institute. Their innocence combined with maturity is simply amazing. Lucky are those that get to growup in this environment!

There is an ayurvedic clinic, known as 'panchkarma centre' on the campus. The doctor practices 'Nari Pariksha' and diagnoses all ailments. Just by feeling your pulse he is able to determine the imbalances and suggest suitable remedy. He correctly diagnosed most of my problems. Also, the full body message and 'shirodhara' are just heavenly experiences! No one should miss them if they are visiting the place. The aurvedic medicines are made at a factory within the campus, and are sold at the aurvedic store. I am planning to try out his prescription. But he stressed that the most important was control over the diet. The 'do not take' list is a comprehensive list of all the stuff that I like to eat!! That might be a tad difficult! Though at this place, everything seems to be possible!

Today, after a long while my mind seems to be free from certain agitation and craving. Today is the start of a new beginning!"

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